It’s time for change on the Isle of Wight

Labour is the best choice to win Isle of Wight West

But we can’t beat this dreadful Conservative government without your vote.

If you would like to help us bring change to the Isle of Wight, please consider a donation to our campaign fund.

This election will reshape the future of our country and the future of our Island.

For fourteen years, this Conservative government has failed us and the Island has been underfunded and ignored by Westminster. 

It used to be a sufficient challenge to ask, “Name one thing that has improved under this government,” but now the challenge is to name one thing that hasn’t got worse. From the cost-of-living crisis to the lack of housing; from the NHS to our creaking public services, the Conservative government has failed and failed again.

The Labour Party, if elected, will be a mission-led government, and what matters to me is making those missions work for our Island:

  • Levelling up through improved and cheaper ferry services.

  • Using the talents we already have to create more green jobs.

  • Ensuring all Islanders have the chance of a front door they can call their own.

  • Supporting an NHS that works for our community.

  • Backing our police to make us feel safe again.

Learn more about my missions for the Island.

As your MP my job will be to champion the Island in Westminster.

Dominic Minghella
Film Maker & Producer

“I love the Island, not just because it’s where I grew up, but because, as we all know, it’s a unique and special place to be.

The decline over the last 14 years has been keenly felt here, with over £90m of Isle of Wight council funding removed by this government. 

Over the last year I’ve got to know Richard and he shares my passion for the Island. We need a strong voice in Westminster and Richard is that voice.  Please support him in this election.”

Lets chat! Book Tea with Rich

If you’d like to chat with Rich – he’d like to chat with you!

With a general election on the horizon, and Islanders are feeling the pain of the last 14 years of chronic government underfunding. We know the big issues are housing, ferries and NHS dentistry, but there are a myriad of other issues affecting Islanders that I want to hear about.

We are still doing traditional campaigning, but realise some people aren’t keen on big gatherings or simply can’t make it, so I will come to you, just book below.